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News Blog Navigating Assault: A Guide for Handling Incidents The adult content industry, like any other, should be a safe working environment for all involved. However, incidents of assault do occur, leaving victims and witnesses unsure of how to proceed.  Understanding the Importance of Reporting Assaults When an assault occurs, it is crucial to report it to the authorities immediately. …

Edinburgh Nil Cap DEFEATED


It has been ruled today by the court that the proposed nil-cap on strip clubs in Edinburgh is unlawful. The campaign supporting the workers was led by United Sex Workers and after months of uncertainty has yielded good news. The Council’s nil-cap decision, if upheld, would have resulted in the closure of all strip clubs in the city. This would …

Location – Where you can and can’t shoot


There’s a lot in the location of where you can and can’t film adult clips which, unfortunately, a lot of people do not know. This may be that someone they trust told them something was OK. Or they saw someone else do something and assume it was fine. There’s a lot I am going to say here which is meant …

Online Safety Bill : New Year. Same Threats.


One thing which has seemingly gone a little quiet has been concern about the Online Safety Bill. A big reason for this is it’s slow movement through parliament (and it’s own delays) but also a little bit naivety. Before Christmas it seeked to pass the report stage, but was sent back for amendments. It now seeks to pass the report …

Using BranditScan to help with piracy take downs


One of the big problems all creators of adult contents face is piracy.  While the bigger you are, the more likely you are to be pirated. Even small time creators can be leaked or find a clip that maybe sold just once for them, is up on the pirate sites. Help with piracy take downs is extremely valuable! Another big …

pornhub trends

Pornhub Trends of 2022


Pornhub have released their ‘review of the year’ for 2022 which showcases the trends they found throughout the year. This is information many creators may find useful.  For example, if some trends are in an upward trajectory, it seems a good time to make more content of those styles. But also, you may see terms people are searching for which …

Sharing pornographic deepfakes to be illegal in England and Wales


The BBC is reporting that sharing pornographic deepfakes without consent will become a crime. The legislation is set to be part of the controversial Online Safety Bill. A government spokesperson says there are growing global concerns about technology being used to create fake pornographic images and video, one website which creates nudes from a clothed image received 38 million visits …

XBIZ: New Tory Government Backpedals From Plan to Censor ‘Legal But Harmful’ Content

Sadie MartinsBlog

LONDON — New U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has indicated that his Tory government will backpedal from controversial language in the proposed Online Safety Bill, which would have required online services to remove content that some MPs consider “legal but harmful,” including most pornography. To read the full article, please go to   Credits: Blog Written By: Sadie Martins Graphic …

YNOT: Twitter Considering Video Paywall

Sadie MartinsBlog

Video paywalls could be the next big thing at Twitter… but will the feature be open to the adult industry? has written a great article on the possible introduction of monetizing videos on Twitter. To read the full article, please go to   Credits: Blog Written By: Sadie Martins Graphic By: Article written by Alyssa Collins