Due to some confusion caused by the creation of a secondary entity using the name UKAP, we felt it important to address the recent action taken by our former Chair Terry Stephens.
Terry Stephens led UKAP as a dedicated and committed Chairman for six years until 2019. In accordance with the official UKAP constitution, which states that a chairman can hold office for a period of no longer than five years, Terry stepped down, and Sahara Knite was voted in as the new Chairperson. At that same meeting Terry was elected as the association’s Secretary however, this was a short lived role which Terry eventually revoked. The adult industry is constantly evolving, as such it was necessary for a community such as UKAP to adapt and change to meet the needs of its members. The board decided it was useful to expand our support to cover not only producers, but also content creators and performers. Which resulted in the name change from “UK Adult Producers”, to “UK Adult Professionals”.
These changes didn’t meet the personal values held by some members of UKAP. As such, towards the end of 2020 Terry didn’t renew his membership within UKAP and forfeited his position on the board.
Terry Stephens has since set up his own association under the name UK Adult Producers which caters towards the production side of the industry only. We would like to clarify that there is no affiliation between the two associations and that we continue to operate independently.
To ensure our differentiation from UK Adult Producers and to advocate our inclusive ethos, we have decided to rebrand UKAP. We will be announcing the launch of our new brand at our event which will be held in London on 15th July 2021. Venue to be confirmed shortly and we look forward to you all joining us for a long-awaited slice of normality.
We will continue to provide service to our members and run our own events. UKAP continues its work throughout lockdown with regular Zoom meetings for members as well as access to online features including new monthly seminars and peer review groups.
Recent tools include the COVID Toolkit designed to help all in the industry work safely during COVID and we are working on a toolkit for Safeguarding which will be available soon.
ABOUT UKAP (UK Adult Professionals)
UKAP is a voluntary, non-profit organisation, created to bring together the UK’s Adult Industry and provide members from all branches of Adult Professionals (performers, content creators, producers, webmasters, etc.) with quality support and advice.
Once producer-led, UKAP has now re-branded, as a more inclusive association, now attracting a more diverse demographic of members from a range of roles in the industry. We strive for constructive relationships with adjacent industry experts, at home and abroad.
UKAP members are now offered benefits including advice for the industry, taking care of mental and physical health, and attaining updated information on sexual health developments. We can also help with information regarding copyright infringement and data protection, releases
“UKAP’s mission is to bring together the UK adult industry and its allies. We provide members with sound advice and support. Our aim is to protect and recognise the work of performers, producers and distributors alike.