Jason Domino, UKAP health and wellbeing lead speaking at the NHS Clinic: 56 Dean street
” Recently I have been challenging HIV charities & clinics regarding “the hard to reach” & inclusivity. Here is a seminar I did at 56 Dean st recently on specific intersectionality. The seminar gets granular looking into specific scenarios like black men in sex work and porn, and many other specific people groups and industry approaches: for instance what is happening to tackle chemsex in the sex industry?… along with the current complex landscape. This is so charities and clinicians can interact with the “hard to reach people” of the industry, and understand target audiences better. The slides go into further detail but are not a replacement for the talk due to how they are written.
The talk features a film midway which is free and available at the link below, slides also available.
Video can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VvIAPcc4c8&feature=youtu.be
Porn4PrEP {Express G-rated} https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IRBezPB75Y
Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_7ELAlYdXlu_wGuOsbXlfOuEN5ncV7qb/view