Help shape the UK adult Industry in 2024!

Nominations for the SNAP Committee are NOW OPEN!
SNAP Members can nominate for each of the available positions here

Positions currently available are:

Content Manager
Operations Administration
Technical Lead
Sales & Marketing Lead
Events Lead

Nominations close at 6PM on Friday 19th January 2024
Each Role and Job Description will be updated shortly, with just a few changes to be made
You can nominate yourself, re-nominate the previous candidate or others you feel would be ideally suited to excel in each role
After the nominations have been closed, all nominees will be approached to confirm they accept the nomination, then voting will open on Friday 26th January 2024 and close on Friday 2nd February 2024. Confirmed appointments will be confirmed in our AGM on Wednesday 7th February 2024

Thank you all for your continued support & get your nominations in now!