(including content creators in their performing roles)
- Check you know the latest about about HIV & other sexual health information & find your clinics for your sexual health certificates Learn the industry Sexual Health basics with videos here
- In case of incidents or to see alerts visit National Ugly Mugs
- For legal support your trade union is United Sex Workers a branch of United Voices of the World
- Feeling low or struggling coping? Visit Pineapple support and other resources here
- Know how to handle COVID 19 with the COVID toolkit
- Know how to handle incidents of abuse by visiting the IAP toolkit
- Remember: ID, consent forms/model releases, DMCAs (a take down instruction for stolen content, caution names and addresses used on this might be seen by the person who stole your content)
An e-learning is being built for an in depth introduction to the industry
(Including content creators in their production roles, and hired or contracted production staff)
- Learn the industry Sexual Health basics with videos here
- Feeling low visit Pineapple support
- Remember you have peers here at SNAP sharing info together to support one another. Our Slack chat or peer reviews might be helpful for you
- Remember: ID, consent forms/model releases, GDPR, DMCAs (a take down instruction for stolen content, caution names and addresses used on this might be seen by the person who stole content)
- To prevent incidents or accusations of abuse in your business visit the IAP toolkit
An e-learning is being built for an in depth introduction to the industry
Cam models:
- Check you know the latest about about HIV & other sexual health information & find your clinics for your sexual health certificates Learn the industry Sexual Health basics with videos here
- In case of incidents or to see alerts visit National Ugly Mugs
- For legal support your trade union is United Sex Workers a branch of United Voices of the World
- Feeling low or struggling coping? Visit resources here
- Learn about DMCAs (a take down instruction for stolen content, caution names and addresses used on this might be seen by the person who stole your content)
An e-learning is being built for an in depth introduction to the industry
Events organisers:
- Is the council threatening closing your venue to organise against it visit: National SEV Coalition
An e-learning is being built for an in depth introduction to the industry.
Strip club dancers:
- In case of incidents or to see alerts visit National Ugly Mugs
- For legal support or peer to peer networking your trade union is United Sex Workers a branch of United Voices of the World
- Is the council threatening closing your club, to organise against it visit: National SEV Coalition
- Feeling low or struggling coping? Visit resources here
An e-learning is being built for an in depth introduction to the industry
Close-contact Sex Workers:
SNAP can signpost for you but it’s more of focussed resource for people working with a distance from the clients/customers
- Check you know the latest about about HIV & other sexual health information & find your clinics for your sexual health certificates Learn the industry Sexual Health basics with videos here
- In case of incidents or to see alerts visit National Ugly Mugs
- For legal support your trade union is United Sex Workers part a branch of United Voices of the World
- Feeling low or struggling coping? Visit resources here
- Know how to handle COVID 19 with the COVID toolkit
- Know about the sex worker spaces: SWARM, Xtalk, SWARM north, UmbrellaLane, ScotPEP, ESWA, SWAI, DecrimNow, ECP, TamPEP, and ask in the Sex Worker community about the SA*FE forum and the Grapevine on Facebook. Many other spaces exist further abroad
An e-learning is being built for an in depth support for those in the industry